Mobile Learning

Your courses In Your Pocket, Everywhere You Go

Allow  students to access your course content, and take quizzes from anywhere, using their mobile phone. Enable micro-learning with easily accessible content. Enable social learning with on the go forum discussions.

Keep your learners engaged and help them succeed, so they keep coming back and keep buying more from you.

The Class Room in the Student’s Pocket, Everywhere

A native Mobile App allows you to provide Offline Support of your courses for your students.
This creates an enormous amount of convenience for your students by providing access to your course materials anytime and anywhere, even without an internet connection.

Keep  Students Up to Date in Real Time

Use Push Notifications to alert your students about new course materials, discussions, special events and much more.
This allows you to remind your students to stay engaged in your community and the learning experience.


Micro-Learning is a method of teaching which has been proven to increase retention and course completion rates. Research from many of the top Universities in the world suggests that Mobile Learning is the most effective approach for delivering Micro-Learning curriculum. Allowing students to engage with content throughout the day, wherever they go.

Social Learning

You can bring knowledge sharing in real-time betweens students through forums and discussions to create a unique collaborative learning environment. Our Learner-Centric Mobile Education Platform™ brings discussions/forums capabilities into our App. This allows students to participate in course discussions and learn from their peers on the go. Using a seamless integration between the MDS website and MDS Mobile App,  students can continue to engage in conversations with each other from anywhere. Many studies have reported that Social Learning is one of the top ways to increase retention, course completion rates, and student satisfaction.

Web Integration

MDS App integrates with the MDS Learning Management System, allowing you to create and manage courses from one system.

Multi-Tier Courses

The MDS app displays MDS courses, lessons and topics, so learners can consume the content on the go

Advanced Quizzes

MDS App supports all eight quiz question types including Single Answer, Multiple Choice, Sorting, Matching, Fill-In-The-Blank, Free Text, Survey, Essays Questions and MUCH more

Lesson Timer

When the clock reaches “zero”, learners are then permitted to move onto the next Lesson.

Certificates & Badges

Award official certificates based on quiz performance, completing a course, or both! Certificates are100% dynamiccally generation including learners names, completion and expiration dates, grades and more

Expire Access

Members can view and request to add other members as friends.

Allow learners to have lifetime access to courses, or expire access after a certain amount of time.

Drip Content

Deliver all lessons at once, or choose to drip-feed (schedule) them over a specified amount of time resulting in a guided learning experience.